Upcoming Details/ Insights

Hello again, it’s been a little while since I have posted an update. My apologies for the delay, I have been pretty busy working on some really exciting things and hopefully I can share some good news with everyone in due time. In this quick entry I just want to give you a little bit of an idea to some things that I will be posting up next week and also what the hold up is for more production art, which I am sure everyone wants to see more of. 🙂

Next week, there will be more information about the mystery character that has surfaced on the site. That will include a character model sheet and also a brief bio of the character as well. This might be one of my favorite things about the comic, creating a cast of very unique characters and I look forward to sharing them all.

Secondly, the lack of production art on the site. This is caused by my workflow. The opening sequence introduces Zeth and a little bit of the environment. I haven’t posted any other images outside of the locker room, because it is mostly animated and right now there are subtle refinements. As stated in a previous post, I refine things in segments to prevent a ton of work later. This process is really winding down on the first sequence, which will free me up to start another sequence.

The reason there hasn’t been any production sketches posted, is also due to the same reason. I am working on the first fight sequence which is several pages of storyboarded content. Once I am finished with drawing these, the batch will get scanned in, inked and colored.

So once these sequences get completed more artwork will make it up to the site. I am really looking forward to discussing the animation of the fight sequence and all of the layering of artwork that will be involved as well. Look forward to more teasers coming next week! Thanks for checking out Cosmic Rage!

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About Chris Biewer

I am a motion graphics artist working in the sports industry. My goal is to enhance the game day experience for fans through my motion graphics work on LED displays through out arena's and also through promos done for the web. I believe that this medium has a lot of untapped potential and it is my duty as an artist to push the limits and to enhance the memories of the fans!

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