Production Update 197: New Tools, New Workflow

This week I started working on some animation tests for Cosmic Rage. The first issue I wanted to tackle was mouth movements for the characters. The workflow adjustments I am making here, involves using a tool called lipsyncr. This tool allows for After Effects to analyze the voice over file and make adjustments to cue up certain frames for mouth shapes called phononyms. That way, I can get around using just lip flaps and also drawing each frame individually. This tool allows for you to use various levels of detail in this regard. In this test, I used only 4 mouth shapes, testing out the low end of the spectrum. The high level of detail allows for 12 mouth shapes. My next test is going to involve the in between setting that uses 7 mouth shapes.

Keeping up with the theme of “New”. I ordered my first new tablet since my very first one I ordered in college. For the second episode, I want to do more frame by frame drawing and a traditional tablet, just wasn’t working the way I want it to. Some lines were jittery, and it may take several strokes to get a line the way that you want it to. I felt that in order to really make this an effective workflow, I needed to upgrade my tablet situation. So say hello to my new Wacom Cintiq.


I spent the later half of the week exploring the tablet a bit and working on setting up some various settings for hot keys to really make working with it efficient. I am planning on using the Cintiq for my next animation test using lip syncr. I will break down these various forms in depth upon completion.

This week I am starting a new session of teaching assisting online as well to kick of 2017. So when I am not at work or critiquing work, I will be working on the new animation tests.

I am so ready for 2017!

Coming Soon!

I took some time over the holiday break to start formulating a list of topics and other things I want to cover as progress for episode 2 starts to get underway. I still have some recap type content I want to share, so it will be a little bit of a mixed bag here as things start to transition. I am very excited and somewhat surprised by the list of things that I have planned to share.

My first pieces of content will be more directed around things I learned on the overall process of Cosmic Rage and the first episode. I also have some restructuring of my Patreon page planned as well. This weekend, I am aiming to get into some workflow tests as well, since i have a couple routes I want to pursue for the second episode.

Lot’s of things in the works! Let’s do this!

Production Update 193: Con-Season Recap and the Future

The 2016 con season has reached it’s conclusion for Cosmic Rage. It has been a successful year debuting Cosmic Rage at a variety of conventions. I’ll recap the convention season and discuss what the future holds for Cosmic Rage as well as planning for Episode 2.

Production Update 192: Back from Anime NebrasKon

This week’s production update is going to be a little quick, I have some catching up to do on things on other fronts. First off, Nebraskon was a great time. It was my second year at the convention and it was fantastic, I got to see lots of friends and made some new ones in the process. It was their first year in a new venue and I had a great experience.

My panels went well. The first one was a screening of Cosmic Rage, where I got to screen my work and also engaged in a great Q/A session with the people in attendance. I raffled away a copy of Cosmic Rage on DVD too. Really good stuff.

MY second panel was a new one, covering getting into animation. It was a little rough in terms of content since it was my first time with the panel. I am looking forward to smoothing it out for next year, cutting out some content and bringing some new content into it. The panel was packed so it is definitely going to stay in the rotation of panels.

I have some big changes coming up that I would like to share with you all later this week or in next week’s production update. I look forward to sharing them with you and diving into episode 2!

Production 191: Destination Nebraskon!

Happy Halloween everyone!

This past week I have been working on spreading the word about my new e-book Cosmic Rage, which can be downloaded in the iBooks store. This week I don’t have much planned for Cosmic Rage, I want to get caught up on a few things before I travel to Anime Nebraskon! I am putting together an all new panel for the con, one designed for people looking to get into animation. I am very excited to get this put together this week in presentation form.

That isn’t the only event I have at Nebraskon either. I will be screening Cosmic Rage once again and opening up a Q/A session afterwards in which people can ask about the process, the project and whatever else they want. This is my last convention of the season.

I will be recording a video when I get back to share some new things that are going to be going on with Cosmic Rage as things start to prep for a second episode. I am very excited what the future holds for the project and sharing it all with you!

As always, thank you for your support. it is greatly appreciated!

Where Have I Been?

It’s been a little while since I last posted and my Wednesday posts have gotten a little sporadic lately. So I wanted to take some time to fill you all in on what’s going on and where I have been.

Well to say the least, things have been really hectic, but all for good reasons. So I currently have a couple freelance projects on my plate. These are going to help get some new art equipment for the upcoming second episode that has a script written for it. I am aiming to get back into more frame by frame animation for the second episode so I need to upgrade tablets to make this an effective route to go.

It also looks like I will be moving. I can’t provide more details at this point, give me about 30 more days, then I can let you all know. So part of my nights and free time have been eaten up by that and some time in the upcoming month will be dedicated towards packing.

I appreciate your support over this slightly slower production time, but trust me, there is no one wanting more Cosmic Rage than myself right now. I know all of this will be worth it in the long run. Thanks for bearing with it.

Production Update 186: Life Event in the Works

Not really too much to report this week in terms of production. Something came up this week and it really took all of my attention outside of work and freelance projects. It’s a pretty big announcement so I will get it shared once I can.

It’s been a crazy summer so far with all of the con travel for screenings, panels and getting engaged that I am really looking forward to putting in some serious hours on Cosmic Rage soon. I have a ton of things I want to try out and explore. I really appreciate everyone’s patience with this. I owe you all a serious video update when things calm down a bit.

Thank you for stopping by and don’t forget you can support Cosmic Rage on Patreon!

Production Update 181: Tokyo in Tulsa… Here I come!

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday break! My break was filled with some gardening and catching up on some odds and ends to free myself up to work on Cosmic Rage. I also hit the midterms for the summer session, which means I have about 4 or 5 weeks of school left! I even found some time to work on my freelance project too.

This week I am preparing for Tokyo in Tulsa, my first time going to the convention. I will be running an art table, as well as a couple panels so I am looking forward to all of the events going on. I have been working on a secret item for my artist table that I will share next week once i get it wrapped up.

I am going to keep things short this week since I will do another update on Monday!

Production Update 180: SoDak Wrap Up

700 miles logged in a road trip over the weekend and it was worth it! As you may know, SoDak Con was this past weekend, which was actually my first time attending it. Over the course of the weekend I held my History of CGI in Anime panel and also had a screening for Cosmic Rage. I had an awesome time at the con. The staff was incredible and the guests were very friendly. I enjoyed my first SoDak con and the convention had a very friendly vibe to it. I hope it is the first of many more.

My panels went really well. I always love sharing the history of CGI in anime, most people haven’t seen some of the older applications of CGI in anime. It’s a blast seeing the crowds reaction to some of the early uses.

The screening of Cosmic Rage went off really well too. It is always humbling to see people show up to learn about the project and watch it. Especially when there was such a good line up of panels throughout all of SoDak Con.

A huge thank you to all of the SoDak staff and to all of the new friends I made at the con. I hope to see everyone again soon!

Now, it’s dive into the production side. I wrapped up the rest of my art grant paperwork, so that will get sent in and be cleared. While filling out the paperwork, it was sort of nostalgic seeing how far the project has come in the last year. I also spent some time on freelance work.

This week I am getting back into the production side. I am going to be working on something special for my next convention, Tokyo in Tulsa! The e-book cover is still at the top of the list for this week to get wrapped up as well.

Another update will be up Wednesday!

Production Update 179: Sketching

I started working on sketching the e-book cover. I have things roughed out right now so this week I am going to refine it and hopefully get it inked so I can color it in the car on the way to and from SoDak Con! The original plan was to try to finish up the cover, but I picked up a freelance project so I was working on that over the weekend outside of class. My plan is to use the freelance project to help cover the cost of VO for the second episode. I am currently still pushing forward on the script, but it has taken a little bit of a backseat to the e-book cover so I can get that into the iBooks store for people to see.

Outside of that, photography class has been going pretty well, I believe I have about 6 weeks left until I am all done with school. My grant paperwork will be in the mail later this week. Once again, I need to thank the South Dakota Arts Council for their support in Cosmic Rage. This past year has been an amazing ride and the grant has helped me so much with getting the first episode wrapped up.

Finally, I have been spending a bit of time in our garden this week getting caught up on weeding and just unplugging for a bit. Our weeds were getting a little out of control, but we had to let the plants grow so we knew what a weed is and what isn’t. Hopefully we get caught up on weeding this week as well.

Next week I’ll have a recap from SoDak Con!