Production Update 192: Back from Anime NebrasKon

This week’s production update is going to be a little quick, I have some catching up to do on things on other fronts. First off, Nebraskon was a great time. It was my second year at the convention and it was fantastic, I got to see lots of friends and made some new ones in the process. It was their first year in a new venue and I had a great experience.

My panels went well. The first one was a screening of Cosmic Rage, where I got to screen my work and also engaged in a great Q/A session with the people in attendance. I raffled away a copy of Cosmic Rage on DVD too. Really good stuff.

MY second panel was a new one, covering getting into animation. It was a little rough in terms of content since it was my first time with the panel. I am looking forward to smoothing it out for next year, cutting out some content and bringing some new content into it. The panel was packed so it is definitely going to stay in the rotation of panels.

I have some big changes coming up that I would like to share with you all later this week or in next week’s production update. I look forward to sharing them with you and diving into episode 2!

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About Chris Biewer

I am a motion graphics artist working in the sports industry. My goal is to enhance the game day experience for fans through my motion graphics work on LED displays through out arena's and also through promos done for the web. I believe that this medium has a lot of untapped potential and it is my duty as an artist to push the limits and to enhance the memories of the fans!

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