Production Update 219: Thumbnails are Done!

Little late with the production update this week, been feeling a little under the weather the past couple days. Anyways, as you can see by the title of this blog post, the thumbnails for the second episode are all done! I’ll be sharing more of this very soon. So what is the next step? Well, I am planning on reaching out to voice actors over the weekend as well as audio production personnel and getting everyone on board again to start production.

I’ll also be working on fleshing out more of the shots for the first scene in episode 2 and preparing an animatic. If you aren’t sure of what that is right now, don’t worry, I’ll get you up to speed with some more behind-the-scenes content. Now that production is starting there will be more content coming. I am very excited to share some new stuff with you all. Video update coming at you next week again! Stay Tuned!