Production Update 188: Where is my E-book?

The last month has been a hectic whirlwind. Packing for the move has been in full force, it never ceases to amaze me at how much “stuff” I have until it comes time to move. Everything fits into the apartment but when it comes time to putting it in boxes, boy it feels like an endless endeavor. I love packing up my movies and seeing all of the great ones that I need to have on when I get back into work shortly. Castle in the Sky anyone? I also plan on legitimately starting a “to watch” pile for the films and series that have made their way onto my shelves and haven’t gotten viewed yet, it feels like a crime. Ghost in the Shell Innocence? *Facepalm

I got my revisions made to my e-book and have them submitted to my editor for one final pass before publishing. This should be good to go into the store soon. Most of the edits have been making sure pages didn’t have a pixel bleed that was distracting and I also need to tweak a few pieces of art, which will be things I tackle tonight. Mostly subbing in new renders for ones I didn’t get to before as I was working on the episode and shelved the e-book for a bit.

Things will calm down this week a little bit more. I finished up one of my freelance projects and things are moving pretty well on the packing front. That will wrap up before I head on vacation to unplug for a bit. More stuff coming soon!

Where Have I Been?

It’s been a little while since I last posted and my Wednesday posts have gotten a little sporadic lately. So I wanted to take some time to fill you all in on what’s going on and where I have been.

Well to say the least, things have been really hectic, but all for good reasons. So I currently have a couple freelance projects on my plate. These are going to help get some new art equipment for the upcoming second episode that has a script written for it. I am aiming to get back into more frame by frame animation for the second episode so I need to upgrade tablets to make this an effective route to go.

It also looks like I will be moving. I can’t provide more details at this point, give me about 30 more days, then I can let you all know. So part of my nights and free time have been eaten up by that and some time in the upcoming month will be dedicated towards packing.

I appreciate your support over this slightly slower production time, but trust me, there is no one wanting more Cosmic Rage than myself right now. I know all of this will be worth it in the long run. Thanks for bearing with it.

Production Update 81

Week 2 begins in the new apartment. I haven’t gotten much done on Cosmic Rage the last 2 weeks, I’m just starting to come out of a short period of creative burn out. Not sure if it was just one of the moments or if it was related to the move. I moved some more things this weekend and practically have everything in the new space. Leaving only some clean up left.

I had some work to do this weekend and also had to track down a new computer cord and now my laptop is telling me I need to service the battery. Hopefully it can get replaced and I can get up and running quickly. I also have a date this week to get my internet set up. Really wish I could do a self install but I don’t make the rules.

I have plans to get back onto Cosmic Rage tonight for a little bit. I still need to take a pic of the new space too, more coming Thursday.