Introducing Wyatt Baker

Where are you from?
A small town in central Pennsylvania, aiming for Hollywood~

Why do you want to be a voice actor?
I love giving life to the unreal, and  voice acting is my favorite way to do so.

Who is your favorite VO actor?
Patrick Seitz <3 (Patrick if you’re reading this I’m your biggest fan xoxoxoxo)

Who is your favorite anime/game/cartoon character?
Hard to choose just one, so…

Anime: Yasuri Shichika from Katanagatari
Game: David Young from D4
Cartoon: Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty

If you could voice any character, who would it be and why?
Also Yasuri Shichika. His lovable cluelessness and determination make him an awesome character. However, by that point, you’ll have been torn to pieces.

What drew you to audition for Cosmic Rage?
Contract killers, prize fighters and apocalyptic mayhem? I couldn’t not audition for it!

Where can fans follow you at or find more of your work?
You can check my soundcloud! 


Production Update 165: Recharged

It’s been a little while since I have given a production update so let’s all get caught up to speed! First off, it was spring break week, so I traveled and took some time away from work, school and the computer. I spent some time working on Cosmic Rage, primarily in the regard of making sure I have things lined up and making notes of where the holes are yet.

On the voice over front, I took time to go through the episode and render everything out as it stands and as a whole and the voice over is all good to go with the exception of two lines from side characters. I hope you all have been enjoying reading about the VO cast for Cosmic Rage on the Wednesday posts, they are all very talented and I am so fortunate to have all of them on board with the project.

On more of a behind-the-scenes front, I have been working on applying for some panels and screenings to conventions this summer to get Cosmic Rage in front of more people. I’ll have more information on the Con Appearance page when I have more info since con season is getting underway.

Let’s talk about audio production. Things are going well, I have cuts of all of the scenes sent out for audio work to get done. Audio production is about half finalized at this point. There are two scenes that need backgrounds created but the remaining scenes need to be extended so they can fit the timing of the VO.

Finally, on the animation front I have a quarter of the scenes finalized. The remaining scenes are all timed out and need some final animation and compositing. Many of the scenes have some small edits to them so I haven’t marked them as complete yet. There are two scenes that need to be animated, the same two that need audio work.

Things are starting to come together nicely and I am very excited to have been watching a rough cut of the first episode. Stay tuned for more updates!

Introducing Finn MK

Where are you from?
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada, though I now live in Ottawa.

Why do you want to be a voice actor?
It’s hecka fun. I’m a dungeon master for a D&D group and I’m always coming up with crazy characters and kooky voices. I realized just doing the voices was fun enough on its own and given that I already had the audio gear and know-how (I’m a music composer by day) jumping into voice acting was a no-brainer!

Who is your favorite VO actor?
Wilhelm. Of Wilhelm scream fame.

Who is your favorite anime/game/cartoon character?
Philip J. Fry, although closely followed by Zoidberg. *woop woop woop woop*

If you could voice any character, who would it be and why?
I don’t have a specific character I’d like to voice…I’m always more in the vein of trying to be new characters rather than do fanimated films. But if we’re talking character archetypes, I would really, REALLY like to play a good-guy-slowly-turning-into-bad-guy or bad-guy-slowly-turning-into-good-guy. To be a character that is established in one manner and then slowly changes a huge part of themselves really appeals to me. The internal struggle, how much of it they show on the outside, how they work through the change – that’s the kind of role I can really sink my teeth into and get into the mind space of.

What drew you to audition for Cosmic Rage?
The animation style is really interesting; I’d never seen anything like it so that was a big draw. I also like how all the documentation and how everything is run is very organized. I’m the kind of guy that would be unable to function without a calendar and spreadsheets, so careful organization really appeals to me haha.

Where can fans follow you at or find more of your work?
My website – – is the go to place for all Finn-related news, music, credits, etc. but fans can also visit me on my other sites around the web.

N2-3B_DuncanShot 13 Duncan Hallway

Production Update 162: 3D Renders!

Hey everyone! I really appreciate your patience over the last few weeks. There has been a lot of things going on, so let me get you all up to speed!

At work I have been putting in a little bit of extra time in on a few projects. It comes with the territory. Things have settled down recently which has freed me up a little bit.

I’ve also been back in school this semester working towards finishing my graphic design degree. I’m taking two courses this semester versus just one. My branding class is going great so far. The course that has been throwing me a slight curveball is my Art History advanced writing class. I have a big paper that is due by the end of February so I have been putting in white a bit of time on that. I am getting close to getting to the next check point on this paper so this course will have a lighter workload.

One thing I have also started but haven’t mentioned here yet, is I am also doing some assistant teaching/critiquing for an online animation course. My class has been fantastic so far and I have enjoyed every minute of providing feedback to other animators looking to up their game. The course is starting to level out so I am getting some of my free time back.

Slowly but surely I am getting some of my time back to keep plugging away on Cosmic Rage. While it sounds like I haven’t gotten things done, I assure you that isn’t the case. I have been doing some light 3D work and getting some renders set up so that the files can render while I am doing all of these other things. As things start to settle down, I will have my 3D renders ready to go for when I get back into After Effects.

Things have been forming nicely on the voice over cast. I will be updating you more on the VO cast really soon! Thanks again everyone for you patience, I am excited to get back in action!

Production Update 161: Another Scene Complete!

Production Update time! It’s been a pretty hectic week. I had to play catch up on a lot of real life stuff and school is getting started for the semester too so I a lot of “adulating” to do. Having said that, I found a bit of time over the weekend to get some work on Cosmic Rage in. Let’s get into it.

I have recently been working on the first scene of the episode. After I received the VO and shuffled some things around, I decided I needed a couple new pieces of art that I didn’t anticipate. So I was able to get those pieces of art drawn, inked and colored. With the new artwork in hand, I started working on animating the new scenes.

As I sit here typing out the production update for the week, I am also uploading the new scene 1 to send off for audio production. So far, the first 3 scenes are completed animation wise. While this doesn’t sound like a lot, there is one thing to understand, the opening scenes needed a little more fleshing out in terms of new artwork to handle the voice over capacity. When I start getting into the meat of the episode, there isn’t much for artwork that will be needed and production will go by quickly. I believe right now, there are 4 or 5 more scenes that need to be fleshed out a bit and the rest don’t require as much work.

I am still working on finalizing the VO cast. I’ve run into a couple hiccups in regards to a couple roles, but nothing that is hindering production at this point.

As things start to settle in again, I aim to be back on for blogs in the middle of the week(s) again and looking forward to revealing the voice cast as well!