Production Update 76

Our first production update of 2014 and it has been a solid week. First off, all of the characters I had to finish up coloring and shading are completed. These characters took a little longer because I wanted to layer them based on colored sections. This way I could generate more characters by adjusting clothing and skin colors to get more combinations of characters. With these different color schemes, I could create a crowd of fans ready for the match.

That’s not the only thing I was able to get done. I was able to place all of the fans into the desired shot and get their alternate colored versions dropped in as well. In the same shot, I created animations for the video board above the ring entrance and was able to finsih off the shot. So that is one more shot down for episode one.

The establishing shot provides the viewer with an overall idea of the space that the scene is taking place in. I wanted to give the viewer a detailed point-of-view at the environment since it is the main space for the first episode. There were also some detailed areas I had to get right for the shot since it is an overview of the whole space. Check out the production art below.

4-2 Arena establishing shot depth

I also signed up for some online courses on my goal of getting better at web development. I completed a couple so far but it will most likely be sometime this summer when I get it completed. Just depends how all my projects go. On deck for this week is getting some more animation work done on episode one. I do have some renders done for the next couple shots. Be sure to check back next week on an update.

Production Update 75

Here is it… The final production update of 2013. I have a little bit more of a retrospective of the year planned for later this week, but today is the usual in terms of going over things that were completed this week and what is on deck for the week.

This week I was able to get through some of the character base colors for the scene I am working on. I am about half done with this step. I am layering the characters colors in ways that will make for easy updates to create more characters, so it is coloring areas that can be changed in one quick step which means all colored areas need to be planned out.

While I didn’t get much done on Cosmic Rage this week, I did make some great progress on a couple loose ends that I look forward to sharing with you. I also had some hours to log in for work this weekend since it is the end of the sports season, which is no big deal. The other project was finishing up some art assets on a game I am working on with a friend. The game was shelved for a while but we have been able to get back at it and we should be launching in early January for iOS. You can bet it will get a post all to itself when it ships.

I have a little bit of work to do on the freelance front and also on the game but I am hoping to get them both knocked out tomorrow night. I also have Wednesday off this week for the New Year and I will be back at coloring the characters so I can wrap up this phase and get onto animating again! I am also planning a little special post for Thursday for some of the newer followers and even some stuff that goes beyond that.